Biden’s Baby Formula Crisis Is So Bad Parents Are Fleeing To Mexico To Feed Their Kids [VIDEO]

TIJUANA, MEXICO – As parents in the United States struggle to keep their babies fed, citizens have started fleeing to south of the border for help.

Parents and grandparents at the local Costco in Tijuana told Fox News that they are traveling there to purchase the baby formula that is impossible to find in the states. “Right here in Tijuana, it seems that there are plenty of it,” one shopper told Fox News.

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“I haven’t had problems,” a mother said, “but I know a lot of moms from a Facebook group who live in the U.S.A., and they are like crazy trying to get the milk. A lot of them come to Tijuana to buy.”

While American parents go “crazy trying to get the milk,” Biden has shipped pallets and pallets of formula to the border for illegal immigrants crossing into the US.

Despite the Biden administration’s Operation Fly Formula having imported two mass shipments of formula from Europe, American parents are still having a hard time finding the products on the shelves of their grocery stores. Last week, about 120,000 pounds of formula was brought to the US from Ramstein Air Base in Germany. A few days before that, 78,000 pounds of specialty formula designed for infants with allergies was brought in.

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy stood with Jill Biden as she praised her husband’s efforts to solve the baby food crisis. Speaking proudly, Murthy said,  “We now have brought the equivalent of 1.5 million eight-ounce bottles of infant formula to the United States.”

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In 2020, the number of births in the United States was 3.6 million (which represents steady decreasing since 1990 thanks to the efforts of Planned Parenthood and the ilk). According to a 2016 study, about 80% of American mothers breastfeed their newborn babies, and that number drops to just 50% by the time the baby is six months old.

Even with a conservative estimate, (the 20% of mothers who don’t breastfeed, with that number reduced further by presuming that some mothers choose to breastfeed simply because of the shortage, while others simply can’t breastfeed or still need to supplement with formula) around 500,000 newborn babies are in need of formula. Babies drink about four ounces per feeding and eat about every four hours (six times in a 24 hour feeding), so with our estimate and Murthy’s comments, Operation Fly Formula has provided about 500,000 babies with 24 hours worth of food.

Aside from that, formula doesn’t come prepackaged in four-ounce bags, it comes in large canisters. So, some babies will get about a month’s worth of food while the parents of others still search frantically.

Since February, one of the largest baby formula manufacturers in America, Abbott Laboratories, has had their Michigan plant shutdown due to bacteria being exposed to the formula which was said to have possibly led to the deaths of two infants. Abbott is responsible for 40% of America’s baby formula products.

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Biden’s Baby Formula Crisis Is So Bad Parents Are Fleeing To Mexico To Feed Their Kids [VIDEO]
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