Rep. Lauren Boebert’s New Campaign Ad Will Be One That’s Hard To Top [VIDEO]

Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert dropped a new campaign ad on June 1st that has the congresswoman participating in a demolition derby – undoubtedly serving as a metaphor for her working to destroy the D.C. swamp.

Rep. Boebert is seeking a second term representing Colorado’s 3rd congressional district in the upcoming 2022 midterms. Her latest campaign ad saw the Republican congresswoman participating in a demolition derby with a vehicle hoisting a Gadsden and American flag with “1776” emblazoned on the side of the vehicle.

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“They’re coming after everything we love. Stripping our freedoms away with crime, crisis, fear. No matter what, stay strong. No matter what, be brave. With freedom comes opportunity to live our very best lives. Getting there ain’t always pretty, but freedom always wins – join me.”

While the demolition derby might be perceived by some as nothing more than a stunt for the campaign ad, Rep. Boebert actually has a history of participating in these sorts of events.

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Back in August of 2021, Rep. Boebert was cited by the Colorado Times Recorder as having won the Garfield County Fair Demolition Derby, driving the same pink sedan emblazoned with “1776” when competing in the derby’s “Limited Weld” division. Not only did she win at the aforementioned derby, but she was also awarded the “Mad Dog” title, which is reserved for whoever puts on the most entertaining performance – whether they win or lose.

With the Colorado primaries creeping up on June 28th, the Republican incumbent recently debated her primary challenger, the largely unknown (on a national stage, at least) Colorado state Senator Don Coram at the Sky Ute Casino in Ignacio.

During the debate, Rep. Boebert was steadfast in her position, when the topic of gun control in light of recent mass shootings came up, that “We cannot legislate away evil,” claiming that teachers should be armed inside of the classroom and “Gun-free zones have proven to be deadly.”

State Senator Coram reportedly towed a somewhat similar line of thinking during the debate but conveyed that there are certain people who “should not have weapons” and conceded that issues like white nationalism in America is becoming a “huge problem.”

Following the debate, Rep. Boebert declined to voice any connections between alleged upticks in white nationalism and mass shootings but instead asserted that such mass shootings are “a problem of culture” that have surfaced as a result of “godlessness that is here overtaking America.”

Apparently, State Senator Coram also claimed that he believes that Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election, stating he’s yet to see any compelling evidence to suggest otherwise. Rep. Boebert, without outright saying Biden was unduly elected, instead referred back to claims that hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were unlawfully sent out during the 2020 election.

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Rep. Lauren Boebert’s New Campaign Ad Will Be One That’s Hard To Top [VIDEO]
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