Sean Hannity’s True Colors Shining Through? – He Asked Trump To Pardon Hunter Biden

WASHINGTON, DC – According to a report from Business Insider, Fox News primetime personality Sean Hannity suggested that Trump use his then-vested presidential powers to pardon Hunter Biden as a means to rectify matters following the January 6th incident at the Capitol.

While clearly Trump never followed through with the suggestion, the alleged request made by the Fox News host is odd on a number of fronts.

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In recent months, even leftist outlets like Vox and CNN have come to terms that the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden’s exploits are getting serious, with Vox reporting this past April that “the indictment of the president’s son is a real possibility.”

Many are already familiar with the focus of the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden, with authorities looking into his work over the past ten or so years with questionable figures and entities in contentious countries like Ukraine, China, and Kazakhstan – with the questions being if Hunter Biden engaged in any tax violations, money laundering, or outright functioned as a de facto unregistered foreign lobbyist.

But Sean Hannity seemingly wanted all this to go away – or at least, see Joe Biden’s son not face any consequences.

The reason being? Essentially, Hannity thought it would be a good counter to January 6th, suggesting that Trump should pardon Hunter Biden in order to “smooth things over.”

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Text messages that were revealed earlier in June showcased a conversation between Hannity and then-White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, where Hannity referenced a discussion he’d had with Trump on January 7th, 2021 on how to address the fallout from the incident that occurred at the Capitol the day prior.

During this January 7th exchange between Hannity and Trump, the Fox News host pitched a handful of ideas to the president that included advice like “no more stolen election talk” and suggesting that Trump attend Biden’s inauguration.

While texting with McEnany about the exchange he had with Trump, Hannity told the former White House press secretary that he suggested pardoning Hunter Biden, claiming, “He was intrigued by the pardon idea!! (Hunter).”

However, sources familiar with the January 7th discussion between Trump and Hannity asserted that Trump wasn’t as thrilled with the notion as Hannity declared to McEnany, with one anonymous source telling The Daily Beast, “It died on the vine,” and that Trump “never seriously considered” the idea.

But what is interesting in all this is that Hannity reportedly didn’t dream up the idea himself.

While it’s not clear what Hannity’s precise inspiration was to suggest pardoning Hunter Biden to Trump, an op-ed from the conservative outlet The National Interest that was published in December of 2020 did float the idea that Trump should consider pardoning Hunter Biden.

In the December 10th, 2020, op-ed from Jacob Heilbrunn, he wrote that if Trump were to pardon Hunter Biden then it “could show magnanimity and evenhandedness,” while brushing off accusations of being self-serving if he opted to issue “a sweeping pardon of his family as well as officials who worked for him.”

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Sean Hannity’s True Colors Shining Through? – He Asked Trump To Pardon Hunter Biden
Updated Flash Report

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