“Burn In Hell:” Sebastian Gorka Screams At Nick Fuentes In Unhinged Rant At Middle School

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Sebastian Gorka was present at the meeting last night, and came completely unglued when he was asked about Nick Fuentes of the ORIGINAL “America First”.

Disgusting. Gorka was blaspheming: Gorka doesn’t get to decide who burns in Hell. Gorka was going to rant about Fuentes, and then go back to his FAKE America First show, and likely talk about the importance of free speech.

So, you know – I think we need to have a talk about Sebastian Gorka. You’ve probably seen him on Fox or on Newsmax, or on one of countless web shows. Maybe you’ve seen some of his books around. But even if none of those things are true, you’ve probably heard him. Specifically, you’re heard him with his ridiculous accent.

 Actually, that’s the best place to start: His accent. It’s fake. Gorka was born in the U.K. He lived there until he was twenty-two. But somehow he has this weird accent that even other British people don’t recognize. It’s not because his parents are Hungarian or because he worked in Hungary for the first half of his career. Hungarians don’t sound like that. This is all Gorka, affecting a weird accent to sound more exotic on TV.

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 But then, basically everything about Gorka’s career is bizarre and fake. He’s paraded around as a national security expert because that was supposed to be his job when he worked in Hungary. But Gorka never even got a security clearance in Hungary. That means he couldn’t work with classified materials. It basically means he couldn’t do security work there. It was all a sham.

 So, why did they deny him his security clearance? It’s not because he was born in Britain or because he had “extreme” views. It was because pretty much everybody in Hungary considers Gorka a joke. Here is how a member of Hungarian’s intelligence service described him, directly. Quote: “[Sebatian] Gorka is, how do you say in English — a peddler of snake oil.”

 To try and hype himself up as an anti-terrorism expert, Gorka would brag about spending three years in a reserve unit of the British military. Specifically, it was an intelligence unit whose purpose was translating Eastern European languages, which would make sense since Gorka knows Hungarian. According to a British intelligence official, the unit was “a bit of a joke.” But Gorka spun this as making him an “anti-terror” expert and suggested he worked in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. There is no evidence this ever happened. There’s also no evidence that Gorka ever worked with MI6, the British equivalent of the CIA. But he told absolutely everyone in Hungary that he did.

 Gorka always positions himself as an expert on “Islamic terrorism.” What exactly does that mean? Gorka doesn’t speak Arabic or Pashtun or Chechnyan or any other language used by lots of Islamic extremists. He’s never lived in a Muslim country. He has never studied Islam in any substantive capacity. Why is he an “expert”? Because after 9/11, he figured it would be good for his career to pose as one. But in Hungary, he failed. He ran for mayor of a small town, got crushed, so within two years, it was on to the United States. It was a good choice. This country always has an open border for the least impressive people from abroad. He bounced around to a bunch of think tank and academic and journalistic jobs because we had low standards and no expectations. We were happy to hand jobs which could have been filled by Americans to useless liars with fake degrees from overseas. And that’s the story of Sebastian Gorka, just failing upwards endlessly until he became an adviser to the president of the United States.

 Whenever he appears on TV, it’s always as “Dr.” Sebastian Gorka. But it’s a lot like “Dr.” Jill Biden. When somebody insists on being called “Doctor” all the time, it’s a good sign they’re pulling some B-S on you, and that’s definitely the case with Gorka. His Ph.D is a joke. Okay, lots of Ph.Ds are bogus today, but Gorka’s is bad even by comparison. His dissertation plagiarized several passages. The three referees for his doctoral defense were two non-academics and an old political friend.

 So Gorka is a fraud. But hey, we could tolerate a fraud if he was still saying and believing the right things. But he’s not. Gorka is an arrogant self-important neocon shill with insane ideas.

 Go on Twitter, and you’ll find Gorka covering for the literal Nazis in the Azov Battalion. You’ll find him blaming Russia for the biolabs in Ukraine, because they were built during Soviet times, as if that explains why they were still around thirty years later. If you turn on Newsmax, you can find Gorka raving about Vladimir Putin as a “KGB Killer” and worshiping Ukrainian president Zelenky like he’s a God. Maybe he appreciates Zelensky because they’re both phonies. Gorka has been egging on World War 3, demanding more weapons and more support for Ukraine. He’s complained that sanctions aren’t enough even as they’re driving the entire global economy off a cliff.

 This is all just fitting Gorka’s lifelong pattern. Last fall, he was whining on Twitter about the only good thing the Biden Administration has done, ending the completely useless Afghanistan war. He moaned about us abandoning the women of the country, because all he could do is repeat the mindless talking points of people who wanted that war to last forever. He brags about how great it was to kill Russian troops in Syria during the Trump Administration, when we never should have been involved in Syria at all.

 His idea for fixing Libya after the U.S. broke it was to intervene again to divide it up into three countries reflecting the borders it had under the Ottoman Empire, a hundred and fifty years ago.

 Gorka is a joke and a cartoon. If he was still guiding a Republican president he’d drag us into World War 3 just so he can pose as an accomplished expert while it happens.

Gorka is NOT God, and he doesn’t get to decide who’s awarded the gift of eternal life. Sebastian Gorka better hit his face. We’ll be praying for him.

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“Burn In Hell:” Sebastian Gorka Screams At Nick Fuentes In Unhinged Rant At Middle School
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