Dr. Kelly Victory Voices Concerns Over Alarming Uptick In ‘All Cause’ Deaths In 2021 [VIDEO]

Back in February, Dr. Kelly Victory shared her concerns over then-released data that showcased an alarming uptick in “all-cause deaths” among 18 to 49-year-olds, with the data showing a 40% increase in 2021. But what Dr. Victory found even more concerning was Department of Defense data that revealed at the time a bizarre increase in certain medical diagnoses in 2021 from years prior.

Dr. Victory cited data that had been released by three physicians who were dubbed “whistle-blowers,” as the data regarding the diagnoses for various conditions were drawn from clinical diagnosis codes maintained by the Department of Defense.

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“These physicians had a feeling. They believed, based on their own observation, that they were seeing a significant uptick in certain conditions. So they actually went back and called the database from the military on certain conditions over a five-year period, from 2016 through 2020, notably containing one year, 2020, of the full-blown pandemic. So they looked at 2016, ’17, ’18, ’19, and ’20 at the prevalence of certain conditions, including things like heart attack, blood clots to the lung, miscarriages – those sorts of things – and they compared it to the incidence of those same things in the calendar year 2021 and saw an alarming increase in certain things.”

The numbers Dr. Victory shared were indeed alarming, with some conditions having an over-400% increase in occurrences in 2021 when compared to data from the previous five years.

“For example, they saw a 270% increase in myocardial infarction in 2021, a 300% increase in incidents of Bell’s palsy and of certain neurologic complaints, a 470% increase in pulmonary embolisms – blood clots to the lungs – and many, many other huge increases that they found alarming. Now no one is saying with any certainty…what is causing this, but we would certainly be remiss as scientists if we didn’t look at that and say there is something going on. What happened in 2021 that was so different from the previous five-year average that would cause this massive increase in certain medical conditions?”

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Of course, it’s hard to ignore what critical event unfolded in 2021 where millions upon millions of Americans subjected themselves to, which Dr. Victory would allude to during this February interview as something needing investigating.

Come July 26th, nearly five months following the early February interview, Dr. Victory again expressed worries over the COVID shots during an interview with Dr. Drew on his podcast.

During the July discussion, Dr. Victory brought up the recent cases of “sudden adult death syndrome,” likening the relatively novel cause of death as being a convenient scapegoat for officials having to admit that some people have passed away due to an adverse event linked to the COVID shots.

“The idea that they’ve come up with this brand new, totally made-up diagnosis of SADS – sudden adult death syndrome – in their defense, I suppose died unexpectedly from complications of a tragic untested vaccine is a little unwieldy. So, SADS rolls off the tip of your tongue better. But the reality is we have people who are dropping.”

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Red Voice Media would like to make a point of clarification on why we do not refer to any shot related to COVID-19 as a “vaccine.” According to the CDC, the definition of a vaccine necessitates that said vaccine have a lasting effect of at least one year in preventing the contraction of the virus or disease it’s intended to fight. Because all of the COVID-19 shots thus far available have barely offered six months of protection, and even then not absolute, Red Voice Media has made the decision hereafter to no longer refer to the Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson substances as vaccinations.

Dr. Kelly Victory Voices Concerns Over Alarming Uptick In ‘All Cause’ Deaths In 2021 [VIDEO]
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