29% Of Vaxxed Teens Have Hear Problems! – New Studies Expose The Fraudulent Vaccines! [VIDEO]

Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest shocking studies exposing the fraudulent vaccines as new information comes out regarding the risk of myocarditis and other heart-related ailments from the Pfizer shot. 29% of teens who’ve had two doses of the Pfizer shot face some sort of heart problem. This is an absolutely massive number and risks long-term problems and early death, to say the least. And that is only two shots!

Meanwhile, government data shows that 1 out of 246 people die within 60 days of the vaccine. Another alarming stat that most of us knew would eventually come out (and it will certainly get worse), but to see it reported and yet very little blowback is quite mind-boggling. Many of the cultists still stick by the death shots. From “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” to myocarditis. From cancer to shingles, the vast majority of people dying and getting sick right now are vaccinated. This should alarm everyone. We’re watching a genocide take place before our eyes.” – World Alternative Media

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Sources referenced by Josh in the video above:

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The opinions expressed by contributors and/or content partners are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Red Voice Media. Contact us for guidelines on submitting your own commentary. Red Voice Media would like to make a point of clarification on why we do not refer to any shot related to COVID-19 as a “vaccine.” According to the CDC, the definition of a vaccine necessitates that said vaccine have a lasting effect of at least one year in preventing the contraction of the virus or disease it’s intended to fight. Because all of the COVID-19 shots thus far available have barely offered six months of protection, and even then not absolute, Red Voice Media has made the decision hereafter to no longer refer to the Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson substances as vaccinations.

29% Of Vaxxed Teens Have Hear Problems! – New Studies Expose The Fraudulent Vaccines! [VIDEO]
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