In every state, both Democrats and Republicans continue to fight as the 2022 midterms are only a few months away. With the GOP predicted to gain significant ground, Democrats are no longer looking to tarnish their opposition but to change how the election process is conducted. Although many states require a voter to present a valid ID before casting their vote, Democrats like Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman claim that the move is unconstitutional as it purposely targets poor people and African American communities. Currently, in a race for the Pennsylvania State Senate seat, both Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz have been campaigning nonstop as the day draws closer.
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Back in December of 2021, John Fetterman suggested IDs stop people from voting. “In my own state, they are going to pass, attempt to pass a constitutional amendment making sure that universal voting ID for every time you vote, not just when you sign up to vote, but every time you vote. Because they understand that at any given time, there’s tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians who typically are on the poorer side and are people of color that are less likely to have their ID at any one given time.”
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While John Fetterman appears to be defending people’s right to vote, according to a Project Vote 2015 study, a staggering 87 percent of black voters reported having a government ID on them. Only 13 percent said they did not. When looking at the Hispanic community, 90 percent said they had a government ID compared to the 10 percent who said the opposite. As for white Americans, the number of people with government ID was 95 percent. But again, Fetterman claims that the laws protecting the authenticity of the voting process somehow targeted black communities.
Besides the election process, with John Fetterman campaigning, it appears a 2016 clip of him praising sanctuary cities for migrants has resurfaced. Speaking at West Chester University in January of 2016, he stated, “Of course, there could be a bad apple coming in from anywhere, but you’re telling me that a little 5-year-old orphan from Syria, you know, should get frozen out? It’s just un-American. We need a comprehensive approach, and we need to stop kicking that can down the road and realize that the overwhelming majority. This is a statistical fact. Immigrants commit crime at a far lower rate than native-born people.”
The Lieutenant Governor added, “Sanctuary cities is another policy that I very much support. Sanctuary cities, again statistically, make everybody safer. It makes everybody better. But the other side wants to demonize that because there’s a dark side of populism, and that’s what the other side seems to have tapped into – that if you’re the wrong color, and you’re the wrong religion, and you came from the wrong country that you’re automatically a suspect.”
Dr. Oz opposed the idea, releasing an ad, admitting, “Sanctuary cities, weak prosecutors, crime skyrocketing, failed liberal policies are making us less safe.”
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This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on August 30, 2022. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used with permission.
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John Fetterman Claims Voter ID Laws Target People Of Color, Study Shows Otherwise
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