You know, ladies and gentlemen, a lot of people have the misconception that Florida has safe elections because Ron DeSantis is the governor, and that is simply not the case. In my own county, in my own precinct, they use ES&S machines. On top of that, Florida also has dirty voter rolls, mass-scale mail-in voting, and ballot drop boxes. They also have nonprofit organizations, the same ones which we saw involved in ballot trafficking in Arizona and Texas. So you better believe there’s ballot harvesting mules in this state as well. Now, I want to show you guys something badass because Florida just had their primary election, and it appears there’s a group that performs some sort of sting operation and caught voter fraud and is now calling out the supervisor of elections. Check this out.
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Huge! Democrats Using Massive Social Media ‘Bot Farms’ To Groom Public Perception! – Nick Moseder [VIDEO]
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Statewide Fraud Potentially Changes Outcomes In FL Primaries! – Nick Moseder
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