NEW YORK CITY, NY – A woman managed to reap her just deserts earlier in August after she thought it a smart idea to slap an NYPD officer who was in the process of helping take an attempted murder suspect into custody. The officer who was assaulted leveled the woman immediately thereafter and managed to slap cuffs on her as well.
There’s something oddly satisfying when seeing a dose of instant karma get doled out, and what played out at approximately 5:00 p.m. on August 30th in New York City seems to fit the bill.
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At the time of the incident, NYPD officers were in the process of arresting a 22-year-old, Elvin James, outside of a building located off of 174 West 136th, who was wanted in connection with an attempted murder from weeks earlier.
As officers were effecting the arrest of the suspect, numerous individuals began to swarm the officers, with some physically assaulting them in the process. One such individual was 19-year-old Tamani Crum (the girlfriend of the attempted murder suspect being arrested), who decided to walk up and start slapping a relatively large officer.
Needless to say, that move did not end too well for Crum.
Moments after the woman delivered a flurry of slaps against the large officer, the officer opted to defend himself with what appeared to be a slap that managed to send the aggressive woman straight to the floor.
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Crum clearly had her proverbial factory reset button hit with the officer’s strike as she was laid out on the ground and rubbing her face as though she was trying to come to terms with what just happened. Meanwhile, onlookers were clamoring about the officer defending himself, with one person saying, “Why would you do that? That’s a little girl, bro.”
Shortly thereafter, the officers, along with one other, hoisted Crum back up on her feet and placed her into cuffs.
In total, three people were arrested during the incident under charges of assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest, and harassment, whereas one other individual was issued a criminal court summons for allegedly spitting on a police officer.
Efforts to, for lack of a better term, “cancel” the officer in question seem to already be underway, with Yahoo publishing an article regarding the matter that framed the incident as, “A young woman in Harlem hit the sidewalk hard when a police officer slugged her.”
According to the Yahoo article, unnamed sources have identified the officer as Officer Kendo Kinsey. The article also mentioned that “Rev. Al Sharpton was slated to hold a press conference on the incident” sometime during the afternoon of August 31st.
Even though the Yahoo article alleges Officer Kinsey “has nine substantiated civilian complaints against him filed between 2010 and 2020,” a review of NYPD records only show six historical complaints, with two being substantiated: a 2015 complaint of “abuse of authority,” and a 2011 complaint of “discourtesy/word.”
Instant Karma Comes For Woman Who Slapped NYPD Officer [VIDEO]
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