Liberal Heads Set To Explode Over Trump’s Recent Comments About January 6 Defendants

According to reports, former President Donald Trump is considering the issuance of “pardons with an apology” for defendants entangled in various January 6-related court cases, a move he would be able to pursue if reelected to office in 2024.

Trump made the aforementioned comments on September 1st while appearing on Wendy Bell Radio, telling the radio host that he is “very, very seriously” considering taking said action.

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“I will tell you, I will look very, very favorably about full pardons. If I decide to run and if I win, I will be looking very, very strongly about pardons. Full pardons. We’ll be looking very, very seriously at full pardons because we can’t let that happen…And I mean full pardons with an apology to many.”

To date, there have been over 800 individuals who’ve been arrested and charged with various federal offenses ranging from misdemeanors to felonies regarding the January 6 incident, with approximately 370 individuals having either been convicted of or pleaded guilty to said offenses. Of those who’ve been found guilty, approximately 220 individuals have been sentenced.

Trump has made similar comments earlier in 2022 about potentially pardoning January 6 defendants if reelected to office, with him saying this past February during a Texas rally, “If it requires pardons, we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly.”

The former president again made similar remarks during an interview on Newsmax in February, saying, “I would absolutely give them a pardon,” claiming that the manner in which January 6 defendants are being punished is “20 times out of proportion. These people are being persecuted.”

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Moving back to the September 1st interview with Bell, Trump was asked by the radio show host whether he is dead set on running in 2024. In the same fashion he’s been toting for the past year, Trump didn’t give a clear-cut answer, instead only alluding that it might happen.

“Well the time is coming closer and I think you’re going to be really happy. You know you have the campaign finance laws and it doesn’t allow you, it’s crazy, it’s not smart. I will be doing something and I think you’re going to be happy.”

Trump also claimed that he has been “financially supporting” some of the January 6 defendants, saying, “They were in my office actually two days ago. It’s very much on my mind. It’s a disgrace what they’ve done to them, what they’ve done to these people.” Trump didn’t go into any specific details on how large this financial support is nor did he share the names of any defendants he’s supporting.

Democrat Rep. Zoe Lofgren, after learning that Trump boasted of helping support some January 6 defendants, told CNN that the thought is “disgusting,” claiming that Trump is “funding people” who tried to “murder the vice president.”

“That he would be funding people who tried to, you know, essentially murder the vice president, overturn the election…And to say that that is patriotic, to say that those people should get an apology, I’m sorry. That is disgusting.”

Unsurprisingly, Rep. Lofgren is one of the Democrats attached to the House’s January 6 committee.

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Liberal Heads Set To Explode Over Trump’s Recent Comments About January 6 Defendants
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