If there is one weapon hiding in plain sight on this season of Big Brother, it is the one and only Blue Kim.
Born and raised in Riverside, California, Blue now resides in the Big Apple, currently working as a brand strategist. Whether it is obvious or not, the 25-year-old brought her strategic skills into the Big Brother house (also known as Sound Stage 18 at CBS Studios in Los Angeles) as well, playing a phenomenal game that often gets overlooked – is anyone else getting major Taylor Hale flashbacks?
“Blue is undoubtedly one of the best modern Big Brother players the game has ever seen. I think there’s no denying at this point,” @boolgogi shared via Reddit.
While this Reddit user may have shared a hot take of theirs (riddled with sarcasm throughout, such as Blue “throwing competitions,” hooking up with Jared Fields to “make furniture in the house biohazardous,” and more), we broke down the glimmers of truth sprinkled within this controversial thread, ultimately proving why Blue has the potential to take home $750,000 at the end of Big Brother 25.
Why Blue Kim will likely be crowned the champion of Big Brother 25
While ten different reasons were mentioned throughout this Reddit post (some more serious than others – it is definitely worth the read), we pinpointed some of the best ones that prove Blue Kim to be a threat on this season of Big Brother.

“Similar to Danni from Survivor, she is purposefully hiding her strategy from production. This helps her fly under the radar while also being television gold,” @boolgogi wrote, referencing the shocking win of Danni Boatwright from Survivor: Guatemala.
Describing herself as a “stealth bomber,” Danni used her unmatched social game to outwit, outplay, and outlast her fellow castaways (with a few challenge wins sprinkled in here and there). Even when she was in the minority, the Kansas native built new connections to keep herself in the game, making it all the way to day 39 and ultimately taking home $1 million and the title of “Sole Survivor.”
Praised for her under-the-radar gameplay during the final tribal council, Danni was deemed the champion of Survivor: Guatemala, beating Stephenie LaGrossa in a 6-1 vote. With her not-so-flashy game leading to her a sweeping victory, Danni’s Survivor journey looks very similar to Blue’s Big Brother journey.
After finding herself in the minority, Blue is already beginning to channel her own Danni Boatwright and build new relationships to solidify her position within the game. Our fingers are crossed that her and Danni have the same end result…

In the point to follow, @boolgogi wrote, “She wants this more than anyone else. She has passion, drive, and determination beyond every other houseguest” – if you have been keeping up with season 25 of Big Brother, this is as clear as can be!
If you think back on Big Brother 25 thus far, you may recall Blue mentioning the $750,000 cash prize numerous times in the Diary Room, something that other houseguests have failed to do. She has mentioned wanting to win this money for her family (more specifically to impress her mother), making her passion and drive to succeed known amongst her fellow houseguests, as well as viewers at home.
With her go-getter attitude, Blue is playing the game with the utmost intensity, and she is willing to do anything it takes to make sure she will be crowned the champion – once again, is anyone else getting some Taylor Hale energy from her?

Last but certainly not least, Blue has officially severed her relationship with Jared, which was holding her back from playing Big Brother to the best of her ability.
Now being seen as an individual player (rather than a duo), the California native is beginning to strengthen her connections beyond her showmance partner, ultimately landing her within the majority alliance – the future is bright for Blue Kim!
In addition to this, with Izzy Gleicher out of the Big Brother house, Blue is the only person who knows that Cirie Fields is Jared’s mother, something that can ruin both of their games (especially if Jared re-enters the competition after the Zombie Twist).
Will she use this secret to her advantage? Only time will tell…
“If she doesn’t get evicted and wins all the jury votes, I can 100% see her winning this season. If you disagree, it might be simply not understanding her gameplay. To be fair, it’s not something we usually see for a newbie. This caliber of gameplay combines so many skills from Big Brother legends it’s hard to believe. It is a privilege to see her blossom,” @boolgogi concluded, and we could not agree more.
To see if Blue Kim takes home the $750,000 cash prize, tune into Big Brother 25 every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday on CBS. Things are definitely starting to heat up…
Why Blue Kim will likely be crowned the champion of ‘Big Brother 25’
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