Mandatory Homo Curriculum For Kids No Child Exempt From Tranny Indoctrination In Public Schools

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It’s June, which means it’s Pride Month, the entire twelfth of the year that this country now dedicates to the worst of the Seven Deadly Sins. Every company has a new pride-themed logo. Workplaces are flooded with events celebrating homosexuality and transgenderism, and God help you if you express the slightest disapproval of it. Government buildings across the country and even our embassies around the world are flying the Pride flag from their flagstaffs. It’s basically our second national flag at this point. Actually, it’s probably our primary national flag. If you burn the normal American flag, nothing will happen, but if you burn a Pride flag, left-wing authorities will find a reason to send you to prison.

Brian Ruka is a father in Boston who recently had a rude awakening to the Satanic religious propaganda that has basically taken over our school system.

A short time ago, Brian’s wife discovered a short story that had been assigned to their eleven-year-old son in his English class. The story was taken from the book “Black Boy Joy” and was titled “The Gender Reveal.”

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The short story is about a child that is, quote, “non-binary,” and how this “non-binary” child is treated like a hero for “coming out” to his, or her, or whatever, coming out to its friends.

Brian got in contact with the Boston school department, but the conversation about the book was decidedly hostile. Staff acted hurt and dismissive. According to Brian, it was like they were speaking two totally different languages.

He’s almost right. But they’re not speaking different languages. They’re members of two different religions. Our schools and libraries and CPS agencies are filled with adherents of the cult of transgenderism. They believe in this cult more strongly than your typical Republican politician believes in Christianity.

So Brian asked these cultists whether they would ever assign a short story about Christianity in his son’s class. They wouldn’t answer. Of course, you know as well as I do that the answer is “no.”

Brian started to get involved with his local school board. He participated in public comment during a board meeting (which was held by Zoom, of course). He expressed his deep displeasure about the propaganda being fed to his son. The school board informed him that they would not be making any accommodation for his family to get his son out of this curriculum. There would be no exemption. The school district was supposed to allow exemptions for sex ed, but according to them this story wasn’t sex ed. It was a mandatory part of the curriculum, like doing math or learning how to read.

Of course, the school board was actually right, in a way. This wasn’t “sex ed.” It’s far more than that. It’s political and religious indoctrination. That school is assigning “Gender Reveal” for the same reason a Soviet school would assign Lenin or a Chinese school would assign Chairman Mao. And that’s why they won’t be granting religious exemptions: The entire point is to propagandize children so that they abandon their parents’ religion and embrace the new religion of wokeism.

Brian has been inspired by his personal experience to begin speaking out more. He’s started his own political podcast titled “Right and Wrong” and he’s been reaching out to conservative media outlets to publicize his personal experience and shed light on the poison they’re using to groom our kids all over the country. And of course, he’s suing Boston Public Schools for its unconstitutional denial of his religious freedom request.

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Mandatory Homo Curriculum For Kids No Child Exempt From Tranny Indoctrination In Public Schools
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